Part 11: Mixed Signals
Alright, its time for Mission 2: Operation Black Storm!
Youre really going with that mission name for the scenario where were leaping back in time to save the only black member of the cast, huh? Sure... Whatever. Lets do this thing.

New Music: Ruin
No elaborate cutscene of Aya spiriting back in time or a big CGI massacre introduction. Aya simply leaps into the body of SWAT Member Tomas Araya. Please pay no attention to the fact were standing in a completely different position from the short introduction clip. Or that our fellow SWAT member has either been vaporized by Ayas arrival or transmogrified into a van.
Before we begin, the team has a bit to say to Aya.

Hey, lets just focus on the task at hand before we go mucking up the timeline too badly, eh? Before we proceed, lets take a look at what Feats we have for this first leg of the journey.
Welp. I guess well finally be seeing some new ill-named enemies in this outing. Roller and Rover sound like sub-bosses of a Sonic the Hedgehog stage. Well be getting to that later. Of these three Feats, one is nearly impossible not to do if were even the least bit competent. One is slightly tricky since it is dealing with a new enemy type. And one is literally impossible to do until New Game Plus, unless there is some massive exploit I am unaware of here.
If we take a look around the area, those goofball Slackers are hanging upside-down on lamp posts along the street. They like to have fun when not trying to murder Aya or any
By the way Tomas, before your partner was time-vaporized by Aya, what the heck were you doing wandering alone in the middle of Spanish Harlem? Im no expert, but generally SWAT Team members are sticking together. Youre boning up the tactics part of your title.

New Music: Arise Within You -for The 3rd Birthday- (Hey, its the Parasite Eve random battle theme!)
Thanks to the generous amount of Impact upgrades I dumped into Ayas new SWAT rifle, standard Slackers from mid-range will almost always become stunned after Aya dumps about half a mag into their facerr front side? Whatever youd call their anatomy susceptible to eating bullets. As such, its incredibly easy to perform Overdive kills.
Aya needs to perform eight Overdive kills to get the first feat of the chapter and theres a good 15 Slackers just chilling out on the first street of Spanish Harlem. Easy money.
With our first Feat grinding session completed, Aya is free to follow a rather dense blood trail down a side alley. Up ahead, well be faced with a new foe.
Or should I say new foe. Meet the Roller brand Twisted. Its hard to tell from just looking at screenshots or short video clips, since all of the Twisted are a bit of a visual mess. But this thing is just a scaled down Reaper that has been recolored orange and had the spikey bits of its shell filed off. Also its not invincible. Thats a rather important distinction.
Now Im not going to be unfair to The 3rd Birthday, even though I really shouldnt show mercy. But despite the third reoccurring enemy introduced being a palette swap and that being an early sign of lazy design. The game doesnt actually pull the Final Fantasy X thing of pretending six different recolored versions of the same enemy are different foes. This is really the only major instance of that. There are palette shifted versions of enemies. But theyre just upgrades of earlier enemy types.
Youd think they would hold back the mid-boss downgrade to common enemy thing until after you know the mid-boss wasnt still treated as a major threat. But this game plays by its own poorly done rules.

The Roller only really has two attacks. It has a tail swipe similar to the Reaper. Just far less deadly, since it just has a hard carapace butt instead of a spike covered ass. Makes a huge difference in damage scale, you see.
And secondly, there is its titular rolling. Which it doesnt actually do. It does roll onto its back, sure. But then its attacking is done by spinning several yards in its targets direction. Its more of a spinner. Not sure why the eggheads that named it didnt just go with spinner. I mean Twisted Spinning It just makes sense. But I am not the one naming these things, am I?
As far as dealing with the Roller goes, grenades are Ayas best friend. Chucking a single grenade will instantly flip the Roller on its back stunning it for an Overdive kill, as well as revealing its weaker underside while it writhes from the blast.
If Aya can run up, lob a grenade, Overdive attack, and unload 3-4 shots with her magnum, the first Roller can easily be felled in under thirty seconds and the second Feat will be in the bag. Easy pickings.
With the Roller out of the way, the path further into the alley will reveal itself. As soon as we turn the corner and transition to another map, the support team back at CTI will chime in again.

The winding alley weve been traveling down eventually ends at a football field sized open lot. You know how common those massive abandoned lot nexus of alleyways are in Manhattan.
Unsurprisingly, this is the site of a massive arena battle. I hope you are strapped in Rizzo and Zurbaran. Cramer is going to need all the help he can get.
Weve got one tiny orb to take down at the far end of the area. This will constantly spit out Wads unless dealt with ASAP. Though, about five Wads warp into the area as soon as the battle begins. And destroying the Orb results in
Rollers joining the party. Only one Roller enters the fray at a time

New Music: Human Seeker Battle Side-
Once the Roller-Wad rumble is dealt with, the real star of the show arrives, apparently dropped from orbit. As the Twisted occasionally like to do for dramatic effect. Meet the Rover.
Our mission for the duration of this battle is to defend ourselves until back-up arrives. Thats because early game Aya with basic ass weaponry has zero chance of defeating this creature before back-up arrives. Even if Aya had a full Liberation bar and unloaded everything she has on it, it would only be possible to maybe deplete 2/3rds of its health bar. Its first health bar. Of six.
This new Twisted is an electricity based monster. An omnipresent sphere of electricity follows the Rover wherever it goes. This serves two functions. The first is to just spam bolts of lightning across the field. These do minimal damage and arent a big worry.
The second attack, however, is far more dangerous. This one produces an energy spike from the ground that will rotate several feet around the Rover in a counter-clockwise circle.
Should this energy beam strike Aya, shell be stunned for several seconds (while, of course, screaming constantly for that taste of refreshing vulnerability) before toppling to the ground in a continued stunned state. During this stunned period, the Rover will make its way to Aya or any other stunned soldier and prepare a strike with its claw that will do about 2/3rds of a health bar of damage if it connects.
Despite being electrocuted, Aya can still Overdrive into another body during any point of the stunned period. Its just her body thats getting wracked with electricity, not her weird disembodied soul. And its a fairly good idea to leap to another vessel, since getting a death blow while on the ground is pretty much a death sentence. Theres no prolonged death animation for Aya if she gets aced while on the floor. She just flops over dead and has a good second or two to jump before the Game Over screen pops up. Its a bad scene if Aya gets stunned and she only has the one host.
The last attack in the Rovers arsenal is to release a cluster of energy orbs straight across the arena in Ayas direction. Theres a good five second lag time from the orb spam to the actual attack, where the orbs all violently explode. While not as damaging as the stun-stab combo earlier, its still not great to be in the middle of a Twisted carpet bombing. I wish someone would tell that to the NPCs AI. Theyre not great at avoiding this one.
Beyond that, after enough time passes or the Rover gets particularly ornery, it will up its stun-rod game from one rotating energy pillar to a half-dozen and run around swiftly trying to sun everyone in the area at once.
Music Ends.
After around 90 seconds of struggling to survive against the Rover pass, Aya and the rest of the SWAT team will get captured in the Rovers stun rays regardless of her efforts in the gameplay. Oh and I guess Aya decided to wear a jacket for this mission in cutscenes. Thanks for telling me, game.
Meanwhile up above

Alright, Im not going to tell you how to do your job (goddammit, I cannot believe you wearing that outfit to your sniping mission) but maybe dont point your rifle at Ayas head. Also, refer back to the narrative conceit where youre supposed to see Aya as a generic SWAT member shes jumping into. Would it kill you to remain consistent, game?
Alright, thats better. Aim for that monsters umm Err Central spikey mass ? Christ, these things are such visual messes.
Nice shot, Gabby. I I think? I mean, you hit it. Lord knows if that was the equivalent of a head shot or a Hollywood no-big-deal shot in the shoulder.
Regardless, Aya is freed from her electricity entanglement. Which again, Gabrielle shouldnt know this is Aya down here. Cuz Aya is going back in time and should just look like some nobody police officer. But hey, details.
In any case, Aya is just going to pop out of her old body and possess Gabrielle. Since umm

Music: Arise Within You -for The 3rd Birthday-
Hey you know how the game has been bashing us over the head that Aya totally sucks at everything, is a terrible shot, and is a barely trained rookie? And that Gabrielle is a crack shot and the most physically fit person in all of CTI? Hey, what sense does it make for Aya to be possessing her here? Youd think it would make more sense for her to be providing support on her own. But, honestly none of this makes a whole lot of sense.

Sounds good. Just give Aya a second to magic that into her hand and well get to sniping. Ms. Monsigny was nice enough to pack her infinite ammo PMR-1 GB rifle today. How thoughtful.
The sniper rifle works differently from the rest of Ayas weaponry. Chiefly, instead of locking on automatically to enemies, it will go into a first-person scope view. And boy does Aya aim rifles slowly. I included sniping in the highlight reel video just to show off how painfully slow the sights move.
Shots from the rifle itself will take off an entire health bar from the Rover. So it will take about six shots in all to down the thing. The annoying bit about this sequence is Gabrielles rifle only has two shots before needing to be reloaded. Excuse me? What kind of strange rifle set-up only has two shots? No wonder Gabrielle was ineffective in this mission.
Rifle loadout anomalies aside, there is zero threat to Aya while shes sniping the Rover. She can take all the time in the world if she wanted. But there is suddenly an endless supply of SWAT members throwing themselves into the grinder down below. So the quicker Aya can down the Twisted mid-boss, the better who ranking will be with the whole preventing ally deaths stat.

Music Ends

The SWAT Team members run off, ignoring one of their members has lingered behind and is talking on the radio to an unknown third party



Later Gabrielle. Try to decide on what time period youre speaking from before showing up again. Or just commit to be fully unstuck from time due to resurrection or something. You're confusing the shit out of everyone. Beyond that, tune in next time for the rise of the nefarious Stinkers. Its not for the faint of heart

Video: Part 10 Highlight Reel

Roller Good to see were two missions in and have already hit a palette swap enemy type. Its like Final Fantasy X never ended.